AFTER CHRISTMAS CLEARANCE SALE! January 11-16 50% OFF 25% OFF SELECT STOREWIDE* IN STOCK ITEMS SELECT CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE *Except factory outlet store, books and food. The area's largest Scandinavian Gift Shop! 15% OFF BOOKS, FOOD & OUTLET STORE Bergquist Hours 10-5 MasreCar Mon. - Sat. VISA IMPORTS GIFT SHOP "Imports from around the world" 1412 HWY. 33 SOUTH CLOQUET 879-1142 Just 2 blocks off 1-35 on Hwy 33 next to Dairy Queen AFTER CHRISTMAS CLEARANCE SALE! January 11-16 50% OFF 25% OFF SELECT STOREWIDE* IN STOCK ITEMS SELECT CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE *Except factory outlet store, books and food. The area's largest Scandinavian Gift Shop! 15% OFF BOOKS, FOOD & OUTLET STORE Bergquist Hours 10-5 MasreCar Mon. - Sat. VISA IMPORTS GIFT SHOP "Imports from around the world" 1412 HWY. 33 SOUTH CLOQUET 879-1142 Just 2 blocks off 1-35 on Hwy 33 next to Dairy Queen