CMH Telehealth New! See your trusted healthcare professional from the comfort of your home |any of our providers-includ- M ing the physicians at CMH Raiter Family Clinic-are now offering visits through our CMH Telehealth program. To have a secure conversation with your healthcare practitioner, you simply need a device with a camera and an internet connec- tion or a smartphone (iPhone or Android). Call 218-879-1271 to see if your visit can be conducted via CMH Telehealth. CMH Telehealth Community Memorial Hospital CMH Telehealth New! See your trusted healthcare professional from the comfort of your home |any of our providers-includ- M ing the physicians at CMH Raiter Family Clinic-are now offering visits through our CMH Telehealth program. To have a secure conversation with your healthcare practitioner, you simply need a device with a camera and an internet connec- tion or a smartphone (iPhone or Android). Call 218-879-1271 to see if your visit can be conducted via CMH Telehealth. CMH Telehealth Community Memorial Hospital