TREE & STUMP REMOVAL JUVENILE TREES Let's spend a moment thinking about juvenile trees. Consider how many trees are planted each year by home owners and landscapers. How many of those trees have been pruned correctly in the most important years of their lives? When trees are young, they need special care to en sure they grow to their maximum potential. Many prob- lems that are found in older trees could have been pre- vented by corrective pruning in the early stages of the tree's life. Countless problems arise from the lack of prun- ing in juvenile trees, such as weakly attached branches, crossing and rubbing branches, included bark, and CO dominant stems. It breaks my heart when I receive a call stating half of my favorite tree is laying across my yard, and they say, "Rick, what can be done to save my tree?" The sad thing is, it's almost always too late at this point. So, let's start promoting strong and healthy trees before it's too late. CALL THE EXPERTS AT RICK'S TREE AND STUMP REMOVAL EXPERIENCED, KNOWLEDGEABLE TREECARE TREMSTUP TO $25.00 REMOVAL 4268 W. Calvary Road, Duluth MN 55803 Fully Insured Free Estimates i (218)728-2427 Espires Phone Answered 24 Hours Expires 8/31/2018