CRATE PEACH SEASON IS HERE! These dates are anticipated arrival times! First come, first served. No reserves. Call 218-389-6257 ahead to verify availability. SummeR FavoRITe FOR THaT RUNniNG-DOWn-YoUR-CHIN eaTiNG exPeRience. re Here Mrs. Smithcamp's California blueberries during the first week Faye Elberta Freestone This variety is tender and sweet with a spicy, rich aroma and distinctive lavor. We have all canning and freezing It's perfect for eating fresh, desserís, supplies for your favorite recipe. canng, baking, freezing and jamming. $20 per 17 lb. crate Watch for arrival of 5 lb. box of August. Fresh Beef Ground Chuclk Noon on Tuesday, August 7 2.99 lb. approx. 5 lb. bag Colorado Mountain Lion $39 per 20 lb. crate Better Than Culver's Butter Burger Patties Handmade Butter Talbott's Mountain Gold S32 per 16 lb. crate Downtown Mahtowa, MN (2 Miles West of 1-35 Exit 237-30 Miles South of Duluth) ntry store